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feat: add maintenance pages to Grove

Keith Grootboom requested to merge keith/maintenance-pages into main


This PR contains the changes needed to implement Grove maintenance pages as per this discovery. Please go through the Discovery first to get insight on the changes below.

Features implementened:

  • Maintenance mode can be enabled/disabled
  • A 404 page to show when an instance is being provisioned
  • Custom error pages

Supporting information

Testing instructions

When running any of the commands below, make sure you have the keith/maintenance-pages branch checked out on both grove-stage-digitalocean and grove.

404 Pages

I created a provisioning-page.html in the head of grove-stage-digitalocean repo. The only difference between it and the default 404 page is the page title.

In provisioning-page.html it's Grove Staging In 404.html it's Provisioning...

Check that when hitting a 404 URL, that provisioning-page.html is rendered. Eg. By going to the cluster ip directly

5xx Pages

I created some dummy URLs to raise errors from the frontend.

When rendering an error page for an instance either

  • the LMS/CMS handles the error in which case the site's theme will be used
  • Caddy handles the error in which case the error page loaded will be shown.

You can view the 504 error page by going to (it'll take a while).

Maintenance mode

I've set up a bucket containing the file that will be rendered (maintenance-mode.html). Any modifications you make to this file will reflect immediately.

To test this, you'll need to have Grove set up locally. I've added the private.yml file to vault under newcomers/farhaanbukhsh/grove-stage-digitalocean-private.yml. Place the file in the root directory of grove-stage-digitalocean/private.yml and add your username and password to GITLAB_USERNAME and GITLAB_PASSWORD.

Once you've added the file, checkout the keith/maintenance-mode branch on grove-stage-digitalocean and grove.

Visit You should see a normal edx site.

Run the following from the control directory,

./tutor keith-relic maintenance-mode --enable

Maintenance mode will now be enabled. Reload the site and you should get the content of maintenance-mode.html in the bucket.

./tutor keith-relic maintenance-mode --disable

will reset maintenance mode and restore the site.


  • Read the documentation and see if it makes sense.


If any of the items below is not applicable, do not remove them, but put a check in it.

  • All providers include the new feature/change
  • All affected providers can provision new clusters
  • Unit tests are added/updated
  • Documentation is added/updated
  • The TOOLS_CONTAINER_IMAGE_VERSION in ci_vars.yml is updated
  • The grove-template repository is updated

Additional context

Add any other context about the merge request here.

Edited by Keith Grootboom

Merge request reports