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[FAL-2545] [WIP] Use 'any' instead of 'all' in NewRelic monitoring conditions

The problem

The right value

  • any means „at least once“, according to the documentation. In the UI, while checking other monitors (e.g.) I see they mention „at least once“ (e.g. Sum of SyntheticCheck query results is >1 unit at least once in 11 mins). I'll assume that any makes sense
  • I don't know why this behaviour changed. Our monitors have worked fine with all for a long time. Did something in NR change?

This PR

  • This PR does the suggested change. It's still untested
  • TODO: verify what changed in New Relic, and whether the new value is fine, and whether we need to update all old policies to have them work in the same way

Testing instructions

  • TBD after deciding the right values
  • Probably just deploy a new server and verify that the policy makes sense and that it works in the same way as the old policies


  • @pomegranited ?

Merge deadline

  • The fix is urgent since it's breaking monitoring.

Merge request reports