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Stay logged in to our instances [MNG-1938]

Boros Gábor requested to merge stay-logged-in-mng-1938 into master

Created by: bradenmacdonald


This PR changes the default config for all our instances so that:

  • Users stay logged in for a full year, not the default of two weeks
  • Database-backed sessions ensure that users don't get logged out every time we deploy a new app server

The motivation for this is that I find it annoying to have to log in again every time I visit

This configuration has already been tested on the Ocim instance, and it works: I stayed logged in for over two weeks and across app server deploys.

Some history:

In OC-2096, the SESSION_ENGINE was changed (#258) but was later reverted (#271 ) due to possibly misplaced concerns about our (A) MySQL server (which at the time was a single server using spinning hard drives), and (B) the potential for sessions to build up in the database and never get cleared. We found that sessions generally only get read/written from the database on login/logout, and we've now upgraded our MySQL to an SSD cluster, so (A) should no longer be an issue, and thanks to OC-3742 we have a cron job that will clear old sessions regularly, solving (B).

So we should now we safe to make these two changes for all our instances.

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