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[BB-3966] Fix UX issues

Boros Gábor requested to merge arjun/bb-3966 into master

Created by: arjunsinghy96

Fix the UX issues mentioned in this comment

Related Tickets

  1. BB-3966
  2. Gitlab#723

Testing Instructions

  1. Checkout to this branch
  2. Run ocim frontend and visit http://localhost:3000
  3. Verify that all the issues mentioned in this comment are fixed.
    • Header, Redeployment Toolbar and Content is aligned properly on left and right
    • Footer is fixed to the bottom
    • Navbar active state bleeds off from Manage Course Page (new sidebar)
    • Fix Redeployment toolbar message. Should say preparing for first deployment.

Screenshots Screenshot from 2021-04-05 21-19-43


Merge request reports