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Fix flaky pylint warning

Boros Gábor requested to merge fix-pylint-outbox-warning into master

Created by: bradenmacdonald

I am getting flaky pylint warnings with the django mail .outbox property. I'm not sure why it sometimes is a warning and sometimes not, but I think because Django creates that attribute dynamically, it sometimes exists and sometimes doesn't.

What I see (example build):

  Line: 112
    pylint: no-member / Module 'django.core.mail' has no 'outbox' member (col 29)
  Line: 113
    pylint: no-member / Module 'django.core.mail' has no 'outbox' member (col 34)
  Line: 133
    pylint: no-member / Module 'django.core.mail' has no 'outbox' member (col 29)`

But if I put a disable=no-member, then it sometimes works but sometimes I get:

  Line: 112
    pylint: useless-suppression / Useless suppression of 'no-member'
  Line: 113
    pylint: useless-suppression / Useless suppression of 'no-member'
  Line: 133
    pylint: useless-suppression / Useless suppression of 'no-member'

So this is the only fix that seems to consistently work.

Merge request reports