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[BB-3670] Include only new instances in send_trial_instances_report task

Boros Gábor requested to merge danielf/BB-3670 into master

Created by: spokerman12


We're fulfilling the following user story:

"As the person converting Ocim trial users, I need an autogenerated monthly report with a list of trial users for each month. "

Supporting information

Testing instructions

  1. Set up a local OCIM environment using this branch
  2. Create instances and appservers
  3. Edit their created dates with any method available
  4. Run send_trial_instances_report on reports/ or
  5. Run ./ test reports.tests.ReportTaskTestCase inside vagrant VM



Further considerations:

  • Initially we enabled a flag for the command, but we updated the feature to reflect current requirements as discussed in the review comments.

Reviewer: [ ] @lgp171188

Merge request reports