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[BB-3585] Add initial setup for e2e tests

Boros Gábor requested to merge arjun/bb-3585-e2e-setup into master

Created by: arjunsinghy96

This adds the base for e2e test in OCIM with react frontend

JIRA Tickets: BB-3585

Testing Instruction

  1. Checkout to this branch
  2. Run vagrant up and vagrant ssh to checkin into the devstack.
  3. Run make requirements
  4. Run ./bin/install-supported-firefox
  5. Run make test.e2e
  6. Test that the frontend is build and e2e tests are run and passing.
  7. Check that the Circle CI build e2e-tests is passing.

Author Notes

  1. selenium and firefox need to be updated to 3.141.0(added in requirements) and 85+ (updated in ./bin/install-supported-firefox) respectively
  2. We have registration.tests.utils.BrowserTestMixin using selenium but I could not find its use anywhere.

Merge request reports