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[BB-3584] Add explanation to deployment page

Boros Gábor requested to merge danielf/BB-3584 into master

Created by: spokerman12


We're fulfilling the following user story:

"As a OCIM user, I want to know why deployment is taking so much time and information regarding that so that I am aware of the complexities"

Supporting information

Testing instructions

  1. Set up a local OCIM environment using this branch
  2. Make the necessary changes (most likely on ui/components/Header) to bypass the login logic.
  3. Head to http://localhost:3000/console/notice



Also, check Jira ticket.

Further considerations:

  • Seeing that I'm not fully aware of the roadmap, I could use some feedback on the blogpost
  • At some point we have to update fonts for most components.

Reviewer: [ ] @Agrendalath

Merge request reports