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[BB-3615] Improve deployment toolbar

Boros Gábor requested to merge danielf/BB-3615 into master

Created by: spokerman12

We're fulfilling the following user story:

"As a OCIM User, I want the deployment status to be clear so that there is less confusion"

JIRA tickets: BB-3615

Dependencies: None

Screenshots: See Jira ticket

Merge deadline: "None"

Testing instructions:

  1. Pull this branch to your OCIM local environment.
  2. Override parameters as necessary to access the console. My suggestion on how to do this is to set lmsUrl = 'testurl'; on /frontend/src/ui/components/Header/Header.tsx
  3. Create a test account (To do so, put a return on top of registration/ so it bypasses domain validation)
  4. Set a false && (_loading_... in line 69 to enable the button so you can test the Toast notification that pops up when clicking Publish. It has a timeout of 4 seconds (for now, the deployment reload timer messes with this).

Author notes and concerns:

  1. Snapshots were updated
  2. Testing the tooltip text requires considering enzyme, which will be done later.


Merge request reports