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[BB-3498] Implement user menu and rework page header

Shimul Chowdhury requested to merge shimulch/bb-3498 into master

This PR improves the Console UI header by re-organizing menu items for better usability.

JIRA tickets:

Discussions: None

Dependencies: None

Screenshots: Screenshot from 2021-01-22 23-45-14

Screenshot from 2021-01-22 23-45-39

Sandbox URL: N/A

Merge deadline: None

Testing instructions:

  1. Checkout this PR
  2. Run Ocim - if vagrant stack, login to VirtualBox via - vagrant ssh and run make
  3. Run frontend from frontend folder - npm install && npm start
  4. Log in to the Ocim console.
  5. On Desktop - the header should contain the Customize, My site(LMS) link, and an accounts dropdown menu with a user icon.
  6. My site(LMS) shows a link icon on the right.
  7. My site(LMS) shows a deployment status indicator on left.
  8. On Mobile / Smaller screens - A hamburger menu icon shows and Customize, My site(LMS) link are collapsed under it.
  9. Accounts dropdown should show on the right side of the Hamburger menu icon.

Author notes and concerns:

  1. Deployment indicator and Custom Status pill use the same colors in their corresponding circles to show different deployment statuses.


Merge request reports