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SE-3057: Address several problems found following Vagrant install instructions.

Boros Gábor requested to merge provision_updates into master

Created by: Kelketek


  • Clarified Python version requirements.
  • Removed redundant instruction for HUEY_ALWAYS_EAGER environment variable, now handled by Ansible.
  • Added missing instruction to perform migrations as part of initial setup.
  • Added override_settings to tests which assume that AWS keys are set, which they are not by default.

@symbolist I did end up creating the above ticket since while getting my devstack up and running I found enough problems to feel like an issue should be created, but as time went on I was able to fix all of them and put them into a PR. I'm not sure if this means I should just attach it to one of my existing assigments instead, or if I should pull in the above ticket into the sprint, or, perhaps, it should be put into a future sprint with the pre-assigned status 'In Review', and assigned a reviewer later.

Please let me know your thoughts, and if there's anyone else we should have review this ticket.

Merge request reports