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WIP: SE-331 Fix issues related to JOURNALS_API_URL

Boros Gábor requested to merge seamus/journals-api-url into master

Created by: SSPJ

This has to do with the ./manage command in edx/configuration/playbooks/roles/ecommerce/defaults/main.yml contianing --journals_api_url={{ JOURNALS_API_URL }} where JOURNALS_API_URL is defined in edx/configuration/playbooks/roles/edxapp/defaults/main.yml. That role (edxapp) does not share variable scope with the ecommerce role, hence JOURNALS_API_URL is undefined in the ecommerce role. Ansible deployments using ecommerce fail.

Jira SE-331, relating to a previous issue cf OC-4842

How to test Unsure, please help.

Merge request reports