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Filter instance list and APIs by user's organization [OC-5076]

Rocio requested to merge rocio/filter-instances-view into master

Add filter on API to only show instances owned by the organization the user belongs to.


First test:

  • Create a new organization ("test")
  • Create a user that belongs to that organization ("test_user")
  • Create an instance were the owner is the organization you just created
  • Check the list of instances, make sure that the instance you created is showed when you are logged in with that user

Second test:

  • Create a new organization that has is_admin = True ("test_admin")
  • Create a new user that belongs to that organization ("test_user_admin")
  • Login with that user
  • Check that /instances lists all the instances that are defined on the application, even if they don't belong to this organization

Third test:

  • Update is_admin value on "test_admin" organization to False
  • Check that the list of instances doesn't include the first instance you created that belongs to the organization "test"



2nd part

The 2nd part of the PR, from @Clemente and with @rocioar reviewing, finishes this feature and adds the filter to other places. Not moving this to another PR, since it's the same feature and we won't need 2 branches.

My changes add:

  • fix some typos from previous commits
  • introduces new permission system:
    • There's a new explicit permission manage_own which means you're an instance manager and can see your own instances
    • manage_all is deleted, and the way to check who's an all-powerful admin is to check User.is_superuser
    • Tests have been rewritten to take that into account, and to check both su and non-su instance managers
    • Tests answer with 403 when you don't have the manage_own permission and try to manage instances
  • the creator (user) and the organization are shown in the Ocim UI
  • the OpenStackServer API is now disabled for non-superusers, because it's not used in the UI, and in particular it's not used by sandbox or trial users. I avoided adding an unneeded complex filter and tests („a non-admin instance manager can only see OpenStack VMs belonging to appservers belonging to instances belonging to the user's organization“).
  • it fixes a bug in the code, that makes it fail (error 500) on our stage and production servers when you open /api/v1/pr_watch/, because we have some watched pull requests without an associated instance
    File "/var/www/opencraft/pr_watch/", line 52, in to_representation
      output['instance_id'] =  # The API must only expose InstanceReference IDs, not Instance ID
    AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'ref'
  • the pr_watch API is now available to instance managers only
  • the pr_watch API is now filtered so that an instance manager can only see PRs from their organization. Superusers can still see all PRs
  • added new tests:
    • check that a non-su instance manager can't see instances from another organization
    • same, but for appservers belonging to an instance which belongs to another organization
    • pr_watch available for instance managers only
    • pr_watch shows only PRs related to your organization
    • make sure that anonymous/staff can't click the blue button to spawn server
    • check that a user can't spawn servers for another organization
    • check that unauthorized users can't activate/deactivate servers
    • check that a user can't activate/deactivate servers for another organization
    • a basic user can't see instance logs
    • a basic user can't see appserver logs
    • a user can't see instance logs from another organization
    • a user can't see appserver logs of instances from another organization
    • the instance list in the API can't be seen by anonymous or basic user
    • many new tests for the case when a user doesn't have an organization: he should see no PRs, no instances, no servers, no server logs, no instance logs, no active/inactive button, etc.

Testing instructions

  • test some or all of features promised above
  • test that if a sandbox user is given access to /api/, they won't be able to view information that doesn't belong to them, and they won't be able to change information that doesn't belong to them
  • test that the creator/owner appears in the UI
  • test the redirection from / to the right place in many cases: super-users and manage_own go to the instance list, the rest go to the registration page
  • read the tests, check that all the needed ones are there, or try the same scenarios in the browser: e.g. create appservers belonging to instances from different organizations and check the they're filtered (except to superuser)
  • test that a WatchedPullRequest without an instance is displayed in the pr_watch API with null as instance_id, instead of crashing. Or trust the fix
  • check that all APIs are filtered by organization
  • check that all APIs to manage instances deny access to users without manage_own (e.g. to a beta test user)
  • a user wiht manage_own but without an organization should not be able to do much (see instances, spawn servers, activate/deactive, …)
  • try to hack into the system, e.g. by taking some AJAX APIs and changing some numbers

Merge request reports