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[BB-7106] refactor: remove unnecessary code after upstream fix

Maxim Beder requested to merge maxim/bb-7106-refactoring into main

Not ready to be merged. has been merged, so this is good to go.


This plugin relies on edx-platform's implementation for course cloning. The serializer that would create a clone for a course had design flaws, which forced some changes to be added to the plugin to fix the following issues:

  • wiki_slug on a cloned course would be the same as original, which would make it point to the same wiki; so we had to "manually" set it to a different one
  • roles and permissions were not being created correctly, which led to many weird issues in the cloned courses

The implementation of course cloning has been changed to use the same code that is used for rerunning the same course. As the result, all the issues above should be fixed by that change, and the code that patches those issues can be removed.

Edited by Maxim Beder

Merge request reports