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FAL-740 initial PoC

Ghost User requested to merge samuel/poc into master


This is the initial proof of concept / minimum viable product version of the custom course search.

It is being developed in parallel with frontend-app-course-search!2 (merged)



Test instructions:

  • install and configure in your devstack - follow instructions in the README in this PR (this also tests the instructions ;) )
  • log in to the lms as an admin user
  • visit the django admin and look for the course search section
  • view the various models and verify it matches the client's requirements for available custom metadata (see discovery linked from FAL-740).
  • verify that the existing courses on your devstack are present in the 'course metadatas' admin, and the 'current es data' field shows they have their data indexed in ES
  • navigate to studio and create a couple of courses, and update at least the short description in one of them
  • return to the 'course metadatas' and verify the new courses are immediately present and indexed in ES
  • set some custom metadata and verify they save correctly, and are reindexed in ES (check the 'current es data' readonly admin field)
  • to test the search api, go to frontend-app-course-search!2 (merged) and continue testing there.

Author notes:

Things still to do / broken:

  • lots of other files lying around from the cookiecutter; need to understand and update these
  • needs customising probably
  • CI
  • tests (I'm not familiar with writing tests from scratch involving ES... will need to research and spend more time I guess)


Edited by Ghost User

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