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Resolve E31X Getting Started Guide inconsistencies

What this MR does / why we need it:

This MR fixes the inconsistencies between this document - the OpenCPI Ettus E31X Getting Started Guide - and the OpenCPI Installation Guide described in issue #59 (closed). It also fixes issue #18 (closed) and OpenCPI issue #1911.

It also implements the new asset documentation system structure and HTML output format and has been revised to closely follow the OpenCPI Installation Guide installation and deployment steps so that the user can quickly identify the E310-specific information that needs to be used for a given installation and deployment step.

Here is a link to the latest reviewed PDF copy:


Note that the PDF has been generated by standard rst2pdf, which currently can't parse Sphinx cross-reference directives. As a result, the PDF displays the reference code rather than the heading, table or figure being referenced. The current configuration also doesn't provide page numbers, so page numbers are missing from this file. Investigation into improving rst2pdf is ongoing.


  • enh(doc): convert source format to Sphinx/ReST
  • enh(doc): revise and reorganize content for easier use with OpenCPI Installation Guide
  • bug(doc): update to reference primary RCC platform and its dependencies
  • bug(doc): correct information about factory SD card use
  • bug(doc): clarify distinction between E3XX and e31x notation
  • bug(doc): clarify that e31x platform does not support E320 USRP

Which issue(s) this MR closes

Closes #59 (closed), #18 (closed)

Edited by Aaron Olivarez

Merge request reports