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Fix documentation and add back complex_mixer.rcc with the _tutorial added to it

What this MR does / why we need it:

This MR adds back the complex_mixer.rcc to the tutorial project under the name complex_mixer_tutorial. It was needed for tutorial 2 to not require the user to change the app.xml

Steps to complete before submitting MR:

  • I have read Contribution guidelines

  • I have ensured I have a changelog written in the imperative form that is meaningful and accurately summarizes the work done

  • I have added the release notes label if applicable (more information below)

  • I have ensured the workflow labels are up to date and will continue to do so up until this work is merged into develop

  • I have added a category, type, and target release label along with all other labels as need be

  • My branch is up to date with develop. If it is not, then I have ensured my work does not conflict with other work

  • I agree my bugfix MR does not include new features/enhancements

  • I represent that bugfixes have been locally tested against the most recent major.minor release in which the bug exists

  • (REVIEWER ONLY) I have thoroughly gone through the above steps to ensure that they have been followed

Release Notes



  • enh(doc): add complex mixer rcc back to documentation in tutorial project
  • enh(worker): add RCC worker back to tutorial project

Which issue(s) this MR closes

Closes #2963 (closed)

Edited by Aaron Olivarez

Merge request reports