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add and tests/juniper-auth

Daniel Lenski requested to merge juniper-auth-tests into master

Flask-based tests of Juniper authentication forms handling. Currently tested cases are:

Standard (not SSO) login:

  • frmLogin with username/password
  • frmLogin with username/password/authgroup
  • frmLogin with username/password/token-as-2nd-password
  • frmLogin with username/password → frmTotpToken
  • frmLogin with username/password → frmDefender → frmConfirmation
  • frmLogin with username/password → frmNextToken
  • frmLogin with username/password → frmSelectRoles → frmConfirmation

SSO login (thanks entirely to @jkuebart's contributions):

  • loginForm with username/password → TOTP-generated VerificationCode → fake TNCC

Unlike fake-{f5,fortinet} (added in !169 (closed)), the here doesn't try to actually send mock IP/DNS configuration information to the client. It only handles the authentication phase, because that's the only part that actually happens over HTTPS.


In addition to adding the test content, the base code's handling of several of these authentication options is improved, so that the tests fully pass:

  1. Allow --authgroup to fill either the realm form field or the role ("pseudo-form-field") for Juniper.
  2. Fix handling of token-field detection for Juniper SSO loginForm.
  3. Make CLI autofill username in any field matching /^user/ case-insensitively (thus include the UserName field of Juniper SSO).
Edited by Daniel Lenski

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