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  • David Woodhouse's avatar
    Rebuild all test certificates · 15b4c533
    David Woodhouse authored
    The CA has expired. Rebuild it (and remove the old GnuTLS CA from the
    ca-key.pem file where it was just noise).
    Rebuild all other certificates while we're at it, but leave the keys
    as they were. Extend the validity to 10000 days which should expire
    in 2050, by which time it probably won't be my problem.
    Dan seems young and healthy; maybe he can thank me then for pedantially
    scripting it all instead of doing it manually. Or maybe it'll have
    bitrotted so much by then that it won't help.
    Most of it worked out of the box this time, but I re-imported the certs
    into SoftHSM manually because I didn't want to start from scratch using
    the softhsm-setupX make targets. I think some of the behaviour of the
    GnuTLS tools (not importing pubkeys, etc) has changed since I did this.
    Arguably we should rewrite those rules to import things the same way
    into each token and then explicitly tweak them, deleting the public
    keys and explicitly marking objects public or private as needed for
    each token.
    The SoftHSM modifications also had to be done with an older version
    of SoftHSM (I used 2.2.0 on Ubuntu 18.04) because doing it with a
    newer version meant the newly-imported certs weren't visible in the
    Ubuntu 18.04 or CentOS 9 test runs.
    Fixes: #609
    Signed-off-by: David Woodhouse's avatarDavid Woodhouse <>