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Fixes ISSUE-54223 Fix Warning in Mockito Tests related with Enable Dynamic...

Fixes ISSUE-54223 Fix Warning in Mockito Tests related with Enable Dynamic Agent Loading in compiler.

JEP 451

In Java 21, a new JDK Enhancement Proposal adds a Warning message during compilation.

This message should not appear anymore when mockito tests are running. Screenshot_from_2023-12-21_12-57-09

Mockito Tests

ant run.test -Dtest=org.openbravo.synchronization.event.SynchronizationEventTest

ant run.test -Dtest=org.openbravo.api.event.ApiSubscriptionResolverTest

ant run.test -Dtest=org.openbravo.api.event.ApiEventEDLRequestCreatorTest

ant run.test

Edited by Adrián Blasco

Merge request reports