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  • Stefan Huehner's avatar
    Fixes ISSUE-50234: Skip exporting translation xml files if empty · 5e4dc581
    Stefan Huehner authored
    Skip creating the exported xml translation files entirely if they would
    be empty (not having any rows).
    Adjust the ReducedTranslactionExportTests to test the modified behavior
    - Rename test expectedEmptyTranslationFiles to expectedEmptyTranslationFilesAbsent
      as now no 'empty (just 2 header lines) xml file is expected when there
      is no content but instead the xml file should be absent/missing
    - Adjust testExistInFullAndNotExistsInReduced testcase (which checks that
      a specific text is absent) to allow for the reduced file to be missing
      - That way the test case can be used flexibly for checking the
        'reduced export' functionality without needing to know if the
        resulting xml file got empty/missing