Add eigen library to cfsdeps
I need to add the Eigen library to the CFSdeps:
This library is used by the CGAL Jet-fitting class that I use in the curvilinear PML to determine the approximate properties of a surface.
Check before assigning to a maintainer for review
the history is clean -
code is well documented and understandable -
there is a testcase (in case of new functionality) -
every commit passes the pipeline
Maintainer checks before merge
Review is approved, and all comments are resolved -
Check for Testsuite changes, if yes check -
Testsuite merge request merges fast-forward -
Testsuite-submodule SHA of every CFS commit references a commit in Testsuite Merge Request -
Testsuite-submodule SHA of last CFS commit points to HEAD of corresponding Testsuite branch
Pipeline passes for every commit -
all stable tests pass -
testsuite tests run -
new tests are actually running (e.g. check if they appear on CDash)