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Draft: Streamline upwinding A-V,A (SUPG)


Artificial diffusion does not take advantage of the known direction of motion. More recent techniques, such as streamline diffusion (SD) and streamline upwind Petrov Galerkin (SUPG) consider this phenomenon.\ A vector form of streamline upwinding is proposed and applied in a formulation using a magnetic vector potential and an electric scalar potential. The formulation is implemented using edge elements for the vector potential. To deduce a vector form of the streamline upwinding Galerkin finite-element equation, the governing equation is tested by a modified vector weight function

\widetilde{\mathbf{A'}} = \mathbf{A'} - \tau \gamma \mathbf{v}\times (\nabla \times \mathbf{A'}),

it introduces upwinding only along velocity direction (By reducing the weights in the transverse direction to velocity).

\int_{\Omega_{\mathbf{v}}}(\nabla \times{\nu \nabla \times{\mathbf{A}}} + \gamma \nabla{V} {\color{purple}- \gamma(\mathbf{v} \times (\nabla \times{\mathbf{A}}))})\cdot {\color{cyan}\widetilde{\mathbf{A}^{'}}} = 0

After brief mathematical manipulation, the upwind terms look like

-\int_{\Omega_{\mathbf{v}}}( \gamma \nabla{V} {\color{purple}- \gamma(\mathbf{v} \times (\nabla \times{\mathbf{A}}))}) \cdot {\color{cyan}(\tau \gamma \mathbf{v}\times (\nabla \times \mathbf{A'}))},

Now, the only remaining task is to select the parameter \tau. For each element a stabilization factor is chosen which depends on the geometry of the element, its material properties and velocity

        \tau_e = \frac{h_e}{2 \gamma |\mathbf{v}|} (\coth(\frac{\text{Pe}}{2}) + \frac{2}{\text{Pe}}),

where Pe and h are, respectively, the element Peclet number and element size along velocity direction.

        \text{Pe} = \frac{\gamma |\mathbf{v}| h_e}{\nu}\\
        h_e = \frac{2}{\Sigma_n |\frac{\mathbf{v}}{|\mathbf{v}|} \cdot \nabla{w_n}|},

where n is each node of the element and w_n is the Galerkin weight function for the node n (weight function of electric scalar potential).

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