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Gnome Maze Dungeon: Copy NPC spawns from replay

Stormy requested to merge StormyRSC/openrsc:gnomehobs into develop

The hobgoblins are mostly concentrated on the western side of the dungeon and leading pathways, since they are focused on harrassing Golrie. The giant bat and zombies are "just hanging out" on the eastern side.

The roaming nonsense is just copied from pre-P2P config.jag, since all these monsters are old enough to have been in there. Hobgoblins roam 15 tiles so they sometimes enter the eastern cavern, while being mostly concentrated in the west and pathways. The zombies and bat have a radius of 8, so they mostly stay in the east and pathways.

This adds a missing spawn for a giant bat so closes issue #3541 (closed)

I watched: Logg/Tylerbeg/08-06-2018 00.33.45 cast flames of zammy on lesser demons west of lava maze, tree gnome village dungeon, 25:30.

Edited by Stormy

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