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Hide Login/Welcome Box Toggle

Cleako requested to merge hide_login_box into master : Adds a toggle to the settings menu to hide the "Welcome to [Server Name]" box when you log in.

Added hide_login_box_toggle property to default.conf and rsccabbage.conf. The authentic, default value is false. I have it set to true in the rsccabbage.conf file in this merge request.

I have tested this in every way I can think of. I have turned it on and relogged, turned it off and relogged, made sure the setting persisted between client restarts, and loaded up an authentic world to make sure the toggle was not there.

Note: In the class (I think it's this class), I did change the order that a couple functions were called from the sendLogin() function. It shouldn't matter, but I just wanted to make it known, just in case. I moved sendGameSettings() above sendLoginBox(), so that the settings would be sent to the client before the login box had a chance to display.

Merge request reports