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feat: Setup sitemap

Robert Schäfer requested to merge roschaefer/mangrove:generate_sitemap into master

The way how @nuxtjs/sitemap works is as follows:

Visit all static page components (those who don't have dyanmic segments like _id.vue). From there traverse all <nuxt-link>s. While building the sitemap, nuxt will also call backend APIs in asyncData(). Too bad that we're not using asyncData yet.

@keorn if any dynamic sites should be generated, we have to manually call the backend and generate a list of routes in the generate.routes() hook in nuxt.config.js. This does not apply for arbitrary search tearms &p=Some+string but for any list of entities that would otherwise populate a RESTful route like /item/4711.

Do we have any pre-known routes at build time?

You can see the sitemap here: http://localhost:3000/sitemap.xml

As of now:

<urlset xmlns="" xmlns:news="" xmlns:xhtml="" xmlns:mobile="" xmlns:image="" xmlns:video="">

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