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  • Alvaro Hernandez's avatar
    [202101-eks_on_firecracker] New blog post · 09859d21
    Alvaro Hernandez authored and Alvaro Hernandez's avatar Alvaro Hernandez committed
    Source code for new blog post about automating creation of EKS clusters
    on VMs created by Firecracker. It's part II of the
    202012-firecracker_cloud_image_automation post.
    Basically, add ansible code to automate installation and configuration
    of EKS (based on Ubuntu's snap-based EKS-D) on the created VMs.
    Interestingly, ansible hosts.yaml inventory file is generated
    dynamically by, which adds the hosts based
    on the configuration (file `variables`) as well as dynamic tokens, that
    are random 32-byte character strings required by EKS per host.
    Minor improvements to the VM creation:
    * unhardcoding VM CPU and RAM
    * parallel VM creation
    * fixed-length instance identifiers
    Signed-off-by: default avatarAlvaro Hernandez <>
    [202101-eks_on_firecracker] New blog post
    Alvaro Hernandez authored and Alvaro Hernandez's avatar Alvaro Hernandez committed
    Source code for new blog post about automating creation of EKS clusters
    on VMs created by Firecracker. It's part II of the
    202012-firecracker_cloud_image_automation post.
    Basically, add ansible code to automate installation and configuration
    of EKS (based on Ubuntu's snap-based EKS-D) on the created VMs.
    Interestingly, ansible hosts.yaml inventory file is generated
    dynamically by, which adds the hosts based
    on the configuration (file `variables`) as well as dynamic tokens, that
    are random 32-byte character strings required by EKS per host.
    Minor improvements to the VM creation:
    * unhardcoding VM CPU and RAM
    * parallel VM creation
    * fixed-length instance identifiers
    Signed-off-by: default avatarAlvaro Hernandez <>