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  • Johannes Schindelin's avatar
    Sync with 2.44.1 · 1c00f92e
    Johannes Schindelin authored
    * maint-2.44: (41 commits)
      Git 2.44.1
      Git 2.43.4
      Git 2.42.2
      Git 2.41.1
      Git 2.40.2
      Git 2.39.4
      fsck: warn about symlink pointing inside a gitdir
      core.hooksPath: add some protection while cloning
      init.templateDir: consider this config setting protected
      clone: prevent hooks from running during a clone
      Add a helper function to compare file contents
      init: refactor the template directory discovery into its own function
      find_hook(): refactor the `STRIP_EXTENSION` logic
      clone: when symbolic links collide with directories, keep the latter
      entry: report more colliding paths
      t5510: verify that D/F confusion cannot lead to an RCE
      submodule: require the submodule path to contain directories only
      clone_submodule: avoid using `access()` on directories
      submodules: submodule paths must not contain symlinks
      clone: prevent clashing git dirs when cloning submodule in parallel