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  • Linus Arver's avatar
    trailer: finish formatting unification · 3452d173
    Linus Arver authored and Junio C Hamano's avatar Junio C Hamano committed
    Rename format_trailer_info() to format_trailers(). Finally, both
    interpret-trailers and format_trailers_from_commit() can call
    Update the comment in <trailer.h> to remove the (now obsolete) caveats
    about format_trailers_from_commit(). Those caveats come from
    a388b10f (pretty: move trailer formatting to trailer.c, 2017-08-15)
    where it says:
        pretty: move trailer formatting to trailer.c
        The next commit will add many features to the %(trailer)
        placeholder in pretty.c. We'll need to access some internal
        functions of trailer.c for that, so our options are either:
          1. expose those functions publicly
          2. make an entry point into trailer.c to do the formatting
        Doing (2) ends up exposing less surface area, though do note
        that caveats in the docstring of the new function.
    which suggests format_trailers_from_commit() started out from pretty.c
    and did not have access to all of the trailer implementation inter...