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  • René Scharfe's avatar
    usage: report vsnprintf(3) failure · c63adab9
    René Scharfe authored and Junio C Hamano's avatar Junio C Hamano committed
    vreportf(), which is used e.g. by die() and warning() by default, calls
    vsnprintf(3) to format the message to report.  If that call fails, it
    only prints the prefix, e.g. "fatal: " or "warning: ".  This at least
    informs users that they were supposed to get a message and reveals its
    severity, but leaves them wondering what it may have been about.
    Here's an example where vreportf() tries to print a message with a 2GB
    string, which is too much for vsnprintf(3):
      $ perl -le 'print "create refs/heads/", "a"x2**31' | git update-ref --stdin
    At least report the formatting error along with the offending message
    (unformatted) to indicate why that message is empty.  Use fprintf(3)
    instead of error() to get the message out directly and avoid recursing
    back into vreportf().
    With this patch we get:
      $ perl -le 'print "create refs/heads/", "a"x2**31' | git update-ref --stdin
      error: unable to format message: invalid ref format: %s
    ... which allows users to at...