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  • Glen Choo's avatar
    config: add ctx arg to config_fn_t · a4e7e317
    Glen Choo authored and Junio C Hamano's avatar Junio C Hamano committed
    Add a new "const struct config_context *ctx" arg to config_fn_t to hold
    additional information about the config iteration operation.
    config_context has a "struct key_value_info kvi" member that holds
    metadata about the config source being read (e.g. what kind of config
    source it is, the filename, etc). In this series, we're only interested
    in .kvi, so we could have just used "struct key_value_info" as an arg,
    but config_context makes it possible to add/adjust members in the future
    without changing the config_fn_t signature. We could also consider other
    ways of organizing the args (e.g. moving the config name and value into
    config_context or key_value_info), but in my experiments, the
    incremental benefit doesn't justify the added complexity (e.g. a
    config_fn_t will sometimes invoke another config_fn_t but with a
    different config value).
    In subsequent commits, the .kvi member will replace the global "struct
    config_reader" in config.c, making config iteration a global-free...