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Four factories for ODF round trips

Ben Martin requested to merge monkeyiq/odfserver:officefactories2 into master

OK, so off the bat I realize that things shouldn't be in tools/validators anymore. Maybe we just move the whole tree of java code up to /java and keep it there. Also I've left build.xml making many jar files instead of specifying the main class to run from the command line. Wasteful for disk space, but, disk is cheap.

I updated the README with info about how to run the new factories.

Yes, I need top level configure-all and run-all wrappers written in java still. and there are many methods in there, particularly for platform detection which are stubs. Also the "temporary filename" method just always givess the same platform dependant name.

It is more a base that can be improved from where it is than a solid gold everything works.

Also stderr and stout are truncated at 1024 bytes (in to avoid an issue where the requests were getting too large and something broke.

Merge request reports