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runSanityCheckConversion initial implementation and some sample ODF files

runSanityCheckConversion has been moved into the Configure command. This allows some errors to be ignored based on command line arguments and we get to probe and potentially stop for each level of error on each ServiceInstance.

Setting outputValidationErrorsAreTerminal to true will result in factories that do not produce output as advertised to not be configurable. This might not be as desirable as one might first think, because any validation error in the output will currently trigger an output file validation error. So Abiword and Microsoft Office will both fail, the later because of one single issue in the generated output. This is why I made it possible to ignore if a ODF validation of the output is not entirely clean during configure. It is best to have the factories be able configure even if they may not produce 100% correct ODF as output. Anyway, its a switch there.

The core, manditory validation is what I had in mind initially. The factory should be able to do a conversion, and the output can not be zero bytes long etc. Basic sanity checks to make sure that the factory will not be dead right off the bat.

Note that the sample files in FactoryValidatorDocuments were created using LibreOffice and as such the ODF 1_0 versions are using the 1.0/1.1 export option and are thus probably really ODF version 1.1 files.

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