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Add new propagation worker and rewrite propagators to use it


Create a generic electronic worker which provides all the routines necessary to perform propagations for the various propagators.


  • Forbidding to use QOCT and CN with gauge field as they do not support it.
  • Fusing exponential and density calculation for ETRS and EXP_MID.
  • Split the AETRS and CAETRS propagators into two routines, as there is no code to reuse


  • Add the missing extrapolation of the vtau for MGGA with exponential midpoint rule.
  • Fix a missing allocation/deallocation for CAETRS with MGGAs.

News snippet

Reorganization of the code of the propagator.


  • I have checked that my code follows the Octopus coding standards
  • I have added tests for all the new features added in this request.
Edited by Martin Lueders

Merge request reports