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Relax real_time/14-absorption-spinors.test tolerances

Meisam Tabriz requested to merge meisam.tabriz-develop-patch-14407 into develop


The tolerance for the real_time/14-absorption-spinors.test seems to be too tight.

Failed tests

Match   Sigma       4   :

   Calculated value : 0.37639055E+00
   Reference value  : 0.37639047999999997
   Difference       : 6.99999999631551e-08
   Deviation [%]    : 1.85977073498658e-05
   Tolerance        : 4.4e-08
   Tolerance [%]    : 1.16899874832116e-05

   Sigma       4                        :	 [  FAIL  ] 
Match   Anisotropy  4   :

   Calculated value : 0.35724806E+00
   Reference value  : 0.357247955
   Difference       : 1.04999999972488e-07
   Deviation [%]    : 2.93913508819073e-05
   Tolerance        : 6.05e-08
   Tolerance [%]    : 1.69350164649648e-05

   Anisotropy  4                        :	 [  FAIL  ] 
Match   Sigma       8   :

   Calculated value : -0.69174944E-02
   Reference value  : -0.0069175187
   Difference       : 2.43000000000465e-08
   Deviation [%]    : 0.000351282028338377
   Tolerance        : 1.78e-08
   Tolerance [%]    : 0.000257317699770006

   Sigma       8                        :	 [  FAIL  ] 
Match   Anisotropy  8   :

   Calculated value : 0.90446712E-02
   Reference value  : 0.0090446528
   Difference       : 1.83999999993356e-08
   Deviation [%]    : 0.00020343511692716
   Tolerance        : 1.39e-08
   Tolerance [%]    : 0.000153681963336393

   Anisotropy  8                        :	 [  FAIL  ] 


Test environment

  • CPU: Intel® Xeon® Platinum 8360Y
  • GPU: NVIDIA A100-SXM4-40GB
  • Libraries: gcc/10 gsl/2.4 libxc/5.1.2 cgal/5.2 impi/2021.2 hdf5-serial/1.8.21 metis/5.1 boost/1.74 mkl/2021.2 netcdf-serial/4.4.1 parmetis/4.0 cuda/11.2
  • Configuration options : maxdim3 openmp mpi cuda sse2 avx libxc5
  • Optional libraries : cgal metis mpi2 netcdf parmetis scalapack
  • Architecture : x86_64
  • C compiler : mpicc (gcc)
  • C compiler flags : -O3 -march=native -g
  • C++ compiler : mpicxx (g++)
  • C++ compiler flags : -O3 -march=native -g -std=c++14
  • Fortran compiler : mpif90 (gfortran) (GCC version 10.2.0)
  • Fortran compiler flags : -O3 -march=native -g -Wall -Wno-maybe-uninitialized -Wno-unused-dummy-argument -Wno-c-binding-type -fallow-argument-mismatch -fallow-invalid-boz

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