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  • John Johnson's avatar
    Create HTML documentation for users/admins/devs · aafacac0
    John Johnson authored
    This new HTML documentation is compiled from our separate markdown
    files documenting different parts of the system. With this we can
    now fluidly read and search the documentation like other ReadTheDocs
    style documentation.
      * Remove the checked in files modules.rst and occam.rst.
        These are generated.
      * Create the new daemon-docs folder for building a HTML help site
        from our Markdown files.
      * Move files used to document the API into api-docs.
      * Have the Makefile generate developer documents by symlinking
        markdown from occam folders. Ideally we could reference these
        directly, but apparently Pphinx doesn't allow referencing files
        outside of the project folder. Some people are trying to remedy
        this with plugins, but none of the remedies are readily usable
        for our project. These docs use RTD style. Most likely this will
        be updated later to use our color scheme.
      * Stub in files to be added in future commits. This gives...