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Simplify and upgrade the VM tests

Madeline Haraj requested to merge simplify-update-vm-tests into develop


Upgrade: Bumping nixpkgs. I did this because the tests were being flaky on my machine, and I suspected it might be some jank in the test harness itself that has since been fixed upstream.

Simplify: The nixos configuration used before was a mishmash of parts extracted from various upstream nixos modules. It's no surprise that it did not quite work with a more up-to-date nixpkgs.

The configuration has been simplified by relying more heavily on the upstream modules by importing them entirely, and then using lib.mkForce to override what needs to be overridden. This ought to be more stable and maintainable going forward.

Checklist for success

  • I have updated the changelog. (not applicable)
  • I have updated the README for any non-trivial changes. (not applicable)
  • My code is consistent with the Obsidian style guide.

Merge request reports