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WIP: Release

Hector A. Escobedo requested to merge release/ into develop


This is the release candidate testing (and eventually final release) branch for version of Basalt.

Merge criteria

Only once a release candidate (RC) has been approved by quality assurance testing should it be merged to the develop branch, and the resulting merge commit tagged with the version number. RCs are indicated by tags ending with -rcX where X is a number. Afterwards, the master branch will be fast-forwarded to the final released version. The release/ branch will then remain at the accepted RC revision.

  • All merge requests must be reviewed by someone other than the original author.
  • Before hitting the "Merge" button, verify that the associated CI build has succeeded or that the source branch can be built with a manual nix-build.

Checklist for success

  • I have updated the changelog.
  • My code is consistent with the Obsidian style guide.
Edited by Madeline Haraj

Merge request reports