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Add root option

Matthew Bauer requested to merge add-root-option into develop


--root can be configured to allow a custom root when building Nix commands. Passing “--root /opt” will run all Nix commands with the option “--store /opt” which causes it to use “/opt/nix” as the store directory and mount onto / in a separate mount namespace. N.B. that NIX_STORE_DIR still is /nix with this set. This is identical to the “ROOT” functionality in the basalt git hooks.

Merge criteria

(Please make a note here of any dependencies on other open merge requests, or any other blockers that must be dealt with before anyone should hit the "Merge" button. Delete this comment if there are none.)

  • All merge requests must be reviewed by someone other than the original author.
  • Before hitting the "Merge" button, verify that the associated CI build has succeeded or that the source branch can be built with a manual nix-build.

Checklist for success

  • I have updated the changelog.
  • My code is consistent with the Obsidian style guide.

Merge request reports