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fix: merging develop into staging

Janaina Senna requested to merge develop into staging

Merge Request


Merging develop into staging.

Type of Change

  • feat: A new feature for the user or a significant enhancement
  • fix: A bug fix
  • refactor: Code changes that neither fix a bug nor add a feature
  • perf: Performance improvements
  • test: Adding or modifying tests
  • style: Code style changes (e.g., formatting)
  • docs: Documentation changes
  • revert: Reverting a previous commit
  • build: Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies (e.g. npm, docker, nexus)
  • chore: Routine tasks, maintenance, or general refactoring
  • ci: Changes to the project's Continuous Integration (CI) configuration
  • release: Version number changes, typically associated with creating a new release
  • other (please specify):

Semantic Versioning

  • This MR introduces a breaking change. (If yes, use the prefix BREAKING CHANGE: <merge request title> and ensure version bumps to major.)
  • This MR adds a new feature in a backwards-compatible manner. (If yes, use the prefix feat: <merge request title> and ensure version bumps to minor.)
  • This MR only includes bug fixes or patches in a backwards-compatible manner. (If yes, use the prefix - fix: <merge request title> and ensure version bumps to patch.)
  • This MR does not necessitate a change in the version, since it contains routine maintenance, housekeeping, or improvements that don't affect the external API or user experience. (If yes, use the prefix that fits better e.g., build/chore/ci - chore: <merge request title> and ensure version doesn't bump.)

Specification and Related Issues


  • I have tested the changes thoroughly
  • The code follows the project's coding standards
  • This MR in linked to the specification and complies with it
  • Documentation has been updated or added
  • Tests were added/modified to cover the changes
  • All tests pass successfully
  • The branch is up-to-date with the target branch
  • This MR is linked to any relevant issues
  • Assign this MR to the appropriate reviewer(s)

Additional Information

Merge request reports