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Resolve "BREAKING CHANGE: Use Cardano Access Server to access the Cardano Node - CPD"

Semantic Versioning Checklist

Please make sure that your merge request adheres to Semantic Versioning guidelines before submitting it.

  • This MR introduces a breaking change. (If yes, ensure version bump to major.)
  • This MR adds a new feature in a backwards-compatible manner. (If yes, ensure version bump to minor.)
  • This MR only includes bug fixes or patches. (If yes, ensure version bump to patch.)

Use the appropriate title

  • For breaking changes, use the prefix - BREAKING CHANGE: <merge request title>
  • For features, use the prefix - feat: <merge request title>
  • For bug fixes or patches, use the prefix - fix: <merge request title>

Describe the changes

changes to make the CPD use the new cardano node

Additional Information

changes to make the CPD use the new cardano node.


  • I have tested the changes thoroughly.
  • The code follows the project's coding standards.
  • Documentation has been updated or added, where necessary.
  • All tests pass successfully.
  • This MR is linked to any relevant issues or epics.
  • Assign this MR to the appropriate reviewer(s).

By submitting this merge request, I acknowledge that I have followed the Semantic Versioning guidelines for the proposed changes.

Edited by Janaina Senna

Merge request reports