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propagation: Add O2I/O2O penetration losses

Katerina Koutlia requested to merge katkout/ns-3-dev:o2i-losses into master

This MR extends the channel condition model with O2I penetration losses according to TR 38.901 7.4.3. In particular, the ChannelConditionModel is extended to calculate the O2I/O2O channel condition based on either the antenna height of the UE or the result of a random variable. In case the hUT is selected, the O2I condition is considered only for UEs with random antenna height. In case of O2I channel condition, the low/high penetration losses are applied according to a thresholed that can be set in the user script. Therefore, we extend the ThreeGppPropagationLossModel to calculate and account for the O2I low/high penetration losses when calculating the final Pathloss. The O2I channel condition and low/high condition period updates are set equal to the LOS/NLOS channel condition update period.

Edited by Katerina Koutlia

Merge request reports