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lr-wpan: Adds Bootstrap support (Scan and Association)

Alberto Gallegos requested to merge shattered.feelings/ns-3-dev:associate into master

This merge introduces the Bootstrap process to the lr-wpan module. Bootstrap requires 2 steps, the scan of devices and the association procedure. This merge adds support for 3 scan types (active, passive, and energy detection) to the MAC layer. Association requires the exchange of multiple commands between devices and coordinators, most of these commands and the structures to support these changes were added.

The following a summary of additions:

  • The capability field has been added.
  • Support for PAN descriptors
  • Support for several commands required in the association process (Assoc Req Command, Data Req Command, Assoc Resp command, etc).
  • All the necessary primitives to support scan and association
  • Updated documentation to include descriptions for scan, association, and beacon-enabled mode.
  • Small changes to the PHY to support channel and page change as described by the standard (needed by the MAC scan)
  • Examples added to demonstrate scan and association.

Please let me know your comments.


Alberto G.

Edited by Alberto Gallegos

Merge request reports