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Fix spelling typos

Eduardo Almeida requested to merge edalm/ns-3-dev:fix-codespell into master

Fix spelling typos that were detected recently by a, supposedly, updated codespell package. Additionally, refresh the list of ignored words and lines:

  • Remove words from the ignored list that are no longer necessary.
  • Remove words from the ignored list and fix them in the code. The fixes that affect APIs are listed in the file
  • Remove words from the ignored list and, instead, add the entire line to the list of ignored lines. These are mainly for authors' names that appear in the copyright lines or documentation. Ignoring lines instead of words allows codespell to catch more typos (for example, the author named Taht was preventing the catch of the typo "taht"). To keep the list of ignored lines small, I adjusted the formatting of some lines to match the filters (but the content remained the same).

Merge request reports