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  • Matt Ward's avatar
    [NuGet] Fix analyzers not used by SDK style projects · dd492333
    Matt Ward authored
    Analyzer items were not being resolved so no analyzers were being
    passed to the type system for SDK style projects. Non-SDK style
    PackageReference projects were resolving Analyzer items. Projects
    that use a packages.config have to explicitly use Analzyer items
    in the project file.
    To fix this the CoreCompileDependsOn targets is changed to include
    the ResolveLockFileAnalyzers which resolves the Analyzer items.
    This was already working for non-SDK style PackageReference projects
    since the NuGet addin was adding the ResolveNuGetPackageAssets
    target to the CoreCompileDependsOn targets and that resolves the
    Analyzer items.
    Fixes VSTS #1047893 - Analyzers not used by SDK style projects