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nongnu: steam-client: Get Cities:Skylines working in container.

Timo Wilken requested to merge twilk/nonguix:cities-skylines into master

I had to add these packages to get Cities:Skylines working in the Steam container from nonguix.

Most of these are for the Paradox launcher, but unfortunately, there seems to be no obvious way to make Steam launch the game directly, without going through the annoying launcher.

In addition to this, I also need to change the game's launch options to LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/lib64:/lib64/nss:/lib:/lib/nss %command% in Steam, so that it can find libnss3.

With all this, the game launches for me, but still runs at an abysmal framerate (5-10 FPS on the lowest settings). I suspect this is to do with the nouveau driver and PRIME, since omitting the DRI_PRIME=1 env variable makes it run at 15-20 FPS on the lowest settings...

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