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  • JoD's avatar
    initial commit · 75b53b06
    JoD authored
    transferring code from previous repo
    readme and cmakelists.txt
    update exact
    move examples outside source
    remove mijncollega stub
    more informative error message
    update gitignore
    add 155 instance
    attempt to nest expressions, not working yet
    add soplex build files
    update exact
    fix bug where auxiliary constraints overwrite objective
    remove builtin MijnCollega
    update exact
    update exact
    update exact
    first versions of client and server
    TODO's in README
    more README
    use public exact as submodule
    readme update
    update exact
    refactor preparing "in" expression
    first logo attempts
    first version of In
    optimization for integer ranges
    more reductions
    update to new exact version
    update exact
    add unknown to interpretations
    simplification of symbol declaration
    refactor interpretations
    more small refactorings
    simplify syntax for interpretations
    add error for multiple files
    definition preparation
    more fun with definitions
    remove unneeded ProtoApp
    first working version of definitions :)
    better version of definitions
    refactor to make typecheck feature more easy
    checking definition edge cases
    AGPL license
    extend readme
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