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Draft: Upgrade electron

Julien Sagot requested to merge sagotch@electron-upgrade into develop

The only expected change which could have an impact is from version 22. I don't know yet if we are really concerned or not.

Behavior Changed: V8 Memory Cage enabled The V8 memory cage has been enabled, which has implications for native modules which wrap non-V8 memory with ArrayBuffer or Buffer. See the blog post about the V8 memory cage for more details.

In our case, native modules used are:

  • @toruslabs/eccrypto
  • bufferutil (dep of @toruslabs/fetch-node-details)
  • keccak (dep of @toruslabs/customauth)
  • node-hid (dep of @ledgerhq/hw-transport-node-hid-singleton)
  • secp256k1 (dep of conseiljs-softsigner + @toruslabs/torus.js)
  • usb@2.5.1 latest is 2.7.0 (dep of @ledgerhq/hw-transport-node-hid-singleton)
  • utf-8-validate@5.0.9 latest is 6.0.2 (dep of @toruslabs/fetch-node-details)

officially support electron 21+

Both google auth and ledger import work. Mnemonic as well. Every type of accounts is able to send tez.

The only question would be about the torus things, but customauth worked fine during my import/send tests tests with google account.

Edited by Julien Sagot

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