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Error monad

Valentin Chaboche requested to merge errors into main

Closes #4 (closed)

The error monad produce a trace of errors, to store at the same time low level errors and high levelS.

For instance:

_build/install/default/bin/ometrics check -h gdfgsd
Error:	File "lib/", line 35, characters 13-20:
		"git -C /home/valentin/Documents/ometrics/ometrics rev-list gdfgsd..HEAD --topo-order --reverse" exited with WEXITED 128

	File "lib/", line 114, characters 7-14:
		Failed to find commits after "gdfgsd"

Exceptions could have been enough I believe but it will be better to debug this monad.

val run : 'a mresult -> 'a

Extract result from 'a mresult or print the trace and exit.

Merge request reports