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Draft: [rustgen] kernel library, AST model, and encoding-to-rust pipeline for small selection of primitive types

Peter Duchovni requested to merge archaephyrryx/data-encoding:tcc-rust into master

Add prototype for rust 'kernel' library, to use as the base API for generated rust-codecs, as well as an AST model capable of representing the Rust syntactical constructs necessary (and sufficient) for schemata equivalent to certain primitive types (elaborated below). Additionally adds a simple alpha-free representation of encodings, to be used as a universal pre-image for conversion into arbitrary language AST model values.

To pre-check the pipeline and produce Rust source code, invoke the following command from the project root (experimental):

dune build @codec_generator/runtest

The schema types currently indicated for support are (to be expanded):

  • Uint8
  • Int8
  • Bool

If merged, closes: #34 #35 #36 Potentially closes (untested): #37

Edited by Peter Duchovni

Merge request reports